Yongjing Wang
Research Group

Creating applied robots for future productivity and sustainability

Announcements and news


The EPSRC-funded RoboTriage project seeks two postdoctoral research fellows with expertise in robotics, circular economy, and informatics. One role will focus on fundamental research, while the other will be more applied. Deadline: February 2nd. 




We are looking for a UK national for a PhD scholarship here: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/mtc-uob-phd-scholarship-robotised-health-triage-of-end-of-life-products-for-value-retention-in-the-circular-economy/?p178242

The new paper, ‘Characterizing the mechanics of rectangular peg–hole disassembly and the effect of the active compliance centre on the extraction force‘ has been published in the Royal Society Open Science. Many Congratulations to the lead author Farzaneh Goli!

The new paper, ‘Robotic disassembly of electric vehicle batteries: Technologies and opportunities‘ has been published in Computers & Industrial Engineering. Many Congratulations to the lead author Yue Zang!

The new paper, ‘Visual Edge Feature Detection and Guidance under 3D Interference: A Case Study on Deep Groove Edge Features for Manufacturing Robots with 3D Vision Sensors‘ has been published in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. Many Congratulations to the lead author Zidong Wu!


The new paper, ‘Disassembly of Rectangle Peg-Hole Structures Through Compliance Strategy and Reinforcement Learning,’ was published in the proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Many Congratulations to the lead author Farzaneh Goli!

We’re welcoming submissions for the new Nature Portfolio npj Advanced Manufacturing collection on Human-Machine Symbiotic Manufacturing Systems. Empowered by AI and digital technologies, this collection explores the integration, interactions, and collaborations between humans and smart robots/machines. Please see details here.